10 Brilliant Ways to Use interpretation services Dubai – DLT

It is time for you to read a speech to a foreign audience. For this to become a successful presentation, you may have to hire an interpreter.  So how can you get a professional interpreter who can also deliver to your expectations? And how can you make good use of interpretation services Dubai?

1.      Hire a good interpreter

Just like any other profession, interpreters who have specialized in a specific industry can be a good option for you. If possible, you can also go through the reviews of the company they work with before making a hire.

2.      Inform the interpreter of your presentation

It is also important to send an outline of your presentation to your preferred interpreter.  This will give the interpreter ample time to go through the details and interpret accordingly.

3.      Prepare for a longer presentation

The presentation may also take a long time since you will be talking while the translator translates the information
4.      Bring the interpreter an extra material

If the interpreter had not received the document sent, he or she can have an extra outline of the presentation.

5.      Speak slowly

The interpreter also has to process a lot of information during the interpretation.  You should, therefore, give him or her ample time to achieve accurate interpretation.

6.      Skip the colloquialisms

Native speakers, in most cases, pepper their speeches with colloquialisms. If possible avoid this and try using simple and straight English.

7.       Use humor sparingly

Avoid jokes during your speech. This is because when translated, jokes may not bring out the same meaning in a foreign language

8.      Communicate with the interpreter

Ask the interpreter to signal you during the presentation to ensure that everything is smooth. This can be inform of a quick signal when they want you to speak louder, pause or even slow down.

9.      Thank the interpreter

Once you are through with the presentation, you should also thank the interpreter to the public. This is because interpretation itself can be exhausting and thanking will make him or her feel appreciated.

10.  Recommend

Satisfied with the services? If this is the case, you can also recommend the interpreter so that other people can also benefit from the same services.


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